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Sexy In Sari
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 Do you trust Muslim people?
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Posted on 10-08-23 8:31 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I don't have as close friends, but there are few co-workers at work ( Ethiopian, Afro-American, Morocons) and I keep up to "hi' and "hello" not more than that.

What about you?

Posted on 10-08-23 9:43 PM     [Snapshot: 60]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ethopians are next level, change your job to IT , you dont have to deal with this , never.

Posted on 10-08-23 10:40 PM     [Snapshot: 91]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I forgot the name of the nationality but the worst are people from a certain small country who आफ्नो देशमा खाली आफै घिच्ने , भ्रष्ट, अनि सबको खुट्टा तान्ने,  अनि आफ्नै देशवासी मा भेदभाव गर्ने,  जातपात भन्ने, अनि त्यति  गरेर नपुगेर अनेक तिकडम गरेर अमेरिका गएरपनि कुनै unity, cooperation भन्ने छैन, कोठे गफ गरेर एक अर्काको रिस इबि गर्ने अनि इल्लीगली बसेर भाडा माझेर ठूला ठूला कुरा गर्ने। Forgot the name of that country ? कुन देश हो कुन्नि त्यो? 

Also worst are delusional prejudiced idiots like the starter of this thread who are here for 16 odd years making idiotic comments अनि प्याच्च प्याच्च stupid कुरा लेख्ने , कमेन्ट गर्ने, दुई पैसाको दिमाग पनि नभएका effing not-sexy-at all (I bet $100 on this person being obese , obnoxious, low IQ and butt ugly) . Those are the worst.

BTW Ethiopia is more than 60% Christian of which most are Orthodox Christian. Also, less than 2% of the "Afro American " population is Muslim.  तर यी मूढ racist हरुलाई यो सुनाएर के फाइदा?  यहाँ आयो, त्यो मूढ blue collar मुखबाट प्याच्च एउटा  totally ignorant , uninformed र incorrect कुरा ओकल्यो, अनि कुनै धर्म, कुनै छालाको रंग , कुनै देश का  सबैलाई एउटै basket मा हाल्यो। 

Last edited: 09-Oct-23 06:57 AM

Posted on 10-09-23 10:35 AM     [Snapshot: 260]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Okhalbase: And remember I don't DELETE comments even if it is against my opinion.

ALL is Welcome.

Posted on 10-09-23 1:43 PM     [Snapshot: 307]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks for not deleting your idiotic comments. We all need a good laugh from time to time
Posted on 10-09-23 10:16 PM     [Snapshot: 444]     Reply [Subscribe]
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आफ्नै देशका मान्छेको ब्यबहार हेरे पुग्छ , अफ्रिकी रास्ट्र पुग्ने पर्दैन |
Posted on 10-10-23 1:26 AM     [Snapshot: 494]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Muslims are also people just like you, Ethiopian and Moroccans as u pick these countries. There are always "I know everything" kinda people frm every corner of the world and it will not impact, which is to make USA diverse. If you can deal with them and learn frm them, You'll be an American, coz you will know their in and out at peace and at war.
Posted on 10-10-23 10:02 AM     [Snapshot: 581]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@WakkaDikka22: Words are sweet.

I don't know what to learn from them, when time comes, they always flip.

American born Muslims, British Born Muslims, other Muslim celebrate on American soil when they saw these gruesome images of recent horrible events.

If you tell them this is wrong, no matter where they came from, If they are Muslims they support each other.

So, my trust to them is completely gone.

Posted on 10-10-23 10:35 AM     [Snapshot: 622]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Sexy In sari, congrats you've learned something.
Posted on 10-10-23 12:02 PM     [Snapshot: 644]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Posted on 10-10-23 2:00 PM     [Snapshot: 676]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This dumb idiot wrote Ethiopian, misspelled Moroccans and pointed at "Afro Americans". Now यो आग्रा र गाग्रा छुट्याउन नसक्ने totally dense and shallow brain dead low IQ racist idiot is continuing to dig a bigger hole for himself/herself/itself, this not-sexy-in-lungi birdbrain.

अरे birdbrain, तैंले कपी पेस्ट गर्नु पर्छ कति नेपाली हताहत भए भनेर ? सबैलाई आफू जस्तै मूर्ख ठानेको छस् ? You are too dense to comprehend how stupid you are making yourself look right now.

कस्तो delusion पालेर बसेको रहेछस् तेरो त्यो खड दिमागमा। प्याच्च प्याच्च बोल्नु अघि अलि सोची त ले idiot .

तेरो low IQ दिमाग बाट geopolitics निस्कनु भनेको गु को किराले ब्रम्हाण्ड को analysis गर्न खोजेको जस्तै हो। हास्यास्पद भन्ने की दयनिय भन्ने खै यस्को gas station काे noxious fumes ले damage गरेको delusional brain cells हरु को स्थिति ।

Posted on 10-15-23 1:42 AM     [Snapshot: 1180]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My best friend is an Indian Muslim and he is a cake...gem of a person, always helpful, smile in the face all the time, 5 kids at the age of 30,kind like Buddha and speaks in way that makes you take him home and feed him...
Posted on 10-21-23 3:38 PM     [Snapshot: 1518]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trump channeling hitler : poisoning the blood of our country


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