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 Do footpath shops get repeated customers?
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Posted on 09-17-22 8:50 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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When I say repeated customers, I mean that a same customer who bought from a footpath will again buy from footpath (Irrespective of the shop). If yes, why? Because their product are so low in quality. They're probably used products being sold for hefty rates. (Or tell me the reality of footpath businesses instead). Aja xa, bholi xaina tiniharu ko pasal. So, why'd anyone buy from them repeatedly? Their product isn't cheap. When you buy something for 500 and it doesn't work for you or helps you in your life, you just wasted 500.
Posted on 09-18-22 9:58 PM     [Snapshot: 80]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Yea definately they have loyal regular customers specially low wages customers.
Posted on 09-18-22 10:41 PM     [Snapshot: 97]     Reply [Subscribe]
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America ma basne haru lai walmart ko luga kinnu bhaneko jastai bhayo ni. Lower middle class samma walmart kai luga le kaam chalcha. Ali upper middle class bhaye pachi mall bhanda tara jharinna

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