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 how long a GC holder can stay in the US without job?
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Posted on 11-19-24 1:07 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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"if someone received cg a few months ago, how long can he legally stay in the US if he were to discontinue the job to take a break ?"
Posted on 11-19-24 5:01 PM     [Snapshot: 163]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You are asking a weird question. Once you get your GC, wether you have a job or not, you are legally a resident of America and can live in the USA independent of your job status. That is why it is called "Permanent Resident."
Posted on 11-19-24 6:19 PM     [Snapshot: 249]     Reply [Subscribe]
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If you don’t have money even a citizen can’t stay without job for a day.You can stay under the bridge or at the side of the street though
Posted on 11-19-24 6:20 PM     [Snapshot: 252]     Reply [Subscribe]
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With temporary residence permit ( TRP) you can stay upto 6 months without contributing SS . But with greed card ( PRP) or PR there is no restriction . U can be employed your whole life , if you can survive.
Posted on 11-19-24 8:53 PM     [Snapshot: 377]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is just my opinion, and I don't mean to criticize my fellow Nepalese people, but I find it strange that there's "immigration phobia" and @haal haal pandit starts a thread like this. It makes me to think it's no surprise US voters agree with the Orange man this time, - "they are not sending their best."
Posted on 11-20-24 12:01 PM     [Snapshot: 634]     Reply [Subscribe]
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SIS, it is amazing seeing your comments which is very supporting to fellow Nepaleses residing USA. How come you are calling Orange man instead of uncle Trump. Without your support and vote he would not be able to win. Trump loyalist are acting as slave and will remain slave until they die. SIS: be who you are, no need to be chameleon. You will have Vance to say any women presidential candidate a trash by 2027 and you are not excluded so be proud with your new nick name. 

Last edited: 20-Nov-24 12:35 PM

Posted on 11-21-24 5:33 PM     [Snapshot: 1032]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hope maga gets all of it what they voted for, I really pray for it. Now the situation is a clerical error can upend someone's life. https://youtube.com/shorts/9W_LW_T7tG8?si=eS1e3NLpj04_hzCQ
Posted on 11-24-24 7:23 PM     [Snapshot: 1521]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Many sajha members, had shown their intelligence sometimes they ask very simple question he/she must have known before or after getting green card. Is it to let us know that s/he is is a green card holder?

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