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 America will be great again
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Posted on 11-06-24 9:49 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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After 8 years of non stop hate by the democrats who have abused every government agency to oppress their political opponent. They used every possible resources including the media which is owned by their puppet masters to go after Trump and his supporters. Non stop propaganda turning normal people into Trump hating zombies with Trump Derangement Syndrome. But thankfully a lot of people have woken up to the deception. They are tired of seeing the democrats abuse the government to make profitable policies for their donors and their puppet masters. 

Trump is not going to be in anyone's pocket and he has a great team of people who actually care about America. Unlike the democrats who have been pouring 100s of billions to wars to benefit their warmongering military industrial complex, Trump wants to keep the money inside the country to help out our own communities and this great nation of people who have come from all over the world seeking the American dream. With his team that includes RFK Junior that recognizes the corrupt FDA processes that are geared towards benefitting the corporations and not the citizens, he will be creating policies to focus on health. From 4 required vaccines in the 80's to now over 40 required vaccines on kids younger than 2 year old, the medical tyranny has imposed many risks and lifelong diseases on unsuspecting people. 

This has to end. Billions of dollars spent on excessive spending by government agencies and unnecessary hiring has left the economy crippled with high inflation. They will be using expects like Elon Musk to help cutting down costs like he did when he was able to bring the company twitter back up with only 20% of the workforce. 

There is a lot to be done to undo the damage caused by the incompetent and corrupt democrat team. People have spoken, they do not want to take more of this. They have shown the power of the people and that the election is TOO BIG TO RIG. The government spending all their tax money to bolster their own politics by allowing possible criminals into the country without and checks and balances. People have woken up and are ready to take the country back. Let's make America Great Again.

Last edited: 06-Nov-24 09:52 AM

Posted on 11-06-24 10:00 AM     [Snapshot: 18]     Reply [Subscribe]
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To all Democrats that are watching this unfold and can't understand how the public is voting for such an evil person:

Take it from a former Democrat - the media has propagandized you.

They have lied to you.

They do not want to tell you the truth.

They just want to make you a rabid Democrat supporter, regardless of how terrible the candidate is, so they can control you.

They want your attention. That's it. They don't want to make you smarter or more informed.

They want to control you.

Today is a chance to break free of their chains.

Start by recognizing that it is not your fault. Their grip is very strong. They've been doing this for decades. It is a corrupt system.

Do not let other people think on your behalf.

Do not outsource your intelligence.

Do not let others control your mind.

It's yours.

Do not be afraid to trust your gut. Do not be afraid to question everything. Do not be afraid to speak out.

We are all Americans. We love each other. We are building this country together.

But we cannot do this effectively if we let others think on our behalf.

Do not support a party just because others have told you to.

Do not hate a person just because others have told you to.

Only you get to decide, on your own merit.

No one else.
Posted on 11-06-24 4:27 PM     [Snapshot: 214]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Also trump wants Asian alien act 1978 in which legal immigrants were deported during WWII.He wants to put that existing law so real citizens with not Cristian name like Kamala will be deported.Trimp2024
Posted on 11-06-24 6:16 PM     [Snapshot: 301]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Totally brainwashed folks with Trump derangement syndrome are unbelievable! You guys will never stop making boogeyman out of Trump with your lies and more lies.

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