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Posted on 10-03-23 9:37 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Location: Rhode Island

Last edited: 03-Oct-23 09:38 AM

Posted on 10-03-23 10:11 AM     [Snapshot: 115]     Reply [Subscribe]
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How do you file labor certification that involves proving that there are no qualified U.S. workers available for the job you’re being offered?
Posted on 10-03-23 11:19 AM     [Snapshot: 207]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Echo are u aware of EB-3 unskilled category visa ?
Posted on 10-03-23 11:46 AM     [Snapshot: 235]     Reply [Subscribe]
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unskilled विथ training हो तेसैले सलॊन वोर्कर लाइ eb3 मा ल्याउन मिल्छ . labor certification अलि झ्योउ खालको छ . पत्रिका वा सार्बजनिक नोटिस बोर्डमा ६ महिना कम्तिमा ३ पटक कामको बिज्ञापन गर्नु पर्छ . त्यो बीचमा कुनै अमेरिकनले जब apply गरेन भने eb3 मा unskilled वोर्कर बाहिर बाट ल्याउन मिल्छ . यो बीचमा कसैले उक्त जबमा apply गर्दियो भने सबै खेल बिग्रिन्छ . तर ओकिलहरुले एस्तो एस्तो सर्त हाल्छनकी खासै कसैले apply गर्दैन . chain hotel का सेफ धेरै eb3 मा हुन्छन .
Posted on 10-03-23 1:46 PM     [Snapshot: 324]     Reply [Subscribe]
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अमेरिकन सिटिजनले अप्प्लाई नै गरेको भए पनि इन्टरभिउमा सम्बन्धित इम्प्लोयरले बोलाएर सो सो कारणले गर्दा उसलाई हायर नगरेको भन्न त पाईन्छ नि हैन र? यो सबै देखाउनको लागि गरिएको हुन्छ, तर यसै बिचमा उक्त अमेरिकनले मलाई इन्टरभिउ बोलाएर नि थरी थरिको अनर्गल कारण देखाएर लिएन भनेर कम्प्लेन गर्‍यो, लशुट गर्‍यो भने चै यो सबै खेलको भन्डाफोर नै होला। कतिले गर्दैनन तर सम्भावना हुन्छ।
इन्डियन खाना, नेपाली खाना बनाउने सेफहरुको लागि चै नेपाली, इन्डियनहरुले नै प्रायोरिटी पाउलान, तर अब खै थ्रेडरहरु त जो पनि हुन सक्लान, तर विथ सो सो ट्रेनिङ, एक्स्पेरिएन्स भनेर भिन्न पोजिशन कृयट गरिन्छन होला।

Posted on 10-03-23 4:01 PM     [Snapshot: 423]     Reply [Subscribe]
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i am aware of the eb3 unskilled, tho not an expert and i dont think you are one either. So lets have a healthy discussion without trying to make each other look stupid.
I know some tricks lawyers and employers perform while disqualifying qualified applicant. I am not opposing anything here and have no problems if anyone pursues their american dream.
Having said that, i have seen lots of cases where employers promise the world to vulnerable immigrants and fk up their immigration case so they have no choice but to work for the same employers for years and eventually no gc. So it's best to bring up these ads to discussion.
Eb3 unskilled requirements as i searched;
1. The applicant must demonstrate the ability to perform unskilled labor (requiring less than two years of training or experience).

2. The applicant must perform work for which qualified workers are not available in the US.

3. The applicant must meet any other requirements specified on the labor certification.

Emphasis on the point 2.

If this was so easy then thousands of f1 status would be plucking eye brows in the usa , like yesterday.
Posted on 10-03-23 6:41 PM     [Snapshot: 520]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Consultancies charging more than 25k from each applicants these days .

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