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 Sajha Poll: Do you think Namrata Shrestha is involved in Saruk Tamrakar's suicide?
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Posted on 08-29-23 8:20 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Do you think Namrata Shrestha is involved in Saruk Tamrakar's suicide?
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Posted on 08-29-23 10:57 AM     [Snapshot: 72]     Reply [Subscribe]
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मृतक स्वयंले आफ्नो मृतुको जिम्मेवार स्वयंनै भनेर प्रस्ट लखेर गए पछि यश बिषयमा थप अनुमान गरि राख्नु परेन . फेरी नम्रता जस्तो केटिले लागि कसले प्रण त्याग गर्छ र ? बुझिए अनुसार करियर सफल हुन नसकेर ज्यादै परेसान थियो रे /
Posted on 08-29-23 11:27 AM     [Snapshot: 92]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Where is the "got murdered by her and Nirmal Purja" option?
Posted on 08-29-23 12:07 PM     [Snapshot: 115]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Most people do not know that Saruk and Namrata were dating. His mom did not like her but she could not convince her son. Namrata is sly, she was seeing Nimsdai on the side and when Saruk found out he went into depression. He could not overpower Nimsdai as he is a very powerful person. Namrata tried to convince him that nothing was going on but he did not believe her. Thats why they did the masan ghat buti thing to try to get Saruk's mind on track. When that did not work, Saruk may have implied that he would go public with that information that would be damning to the married Nimsdai. We cannot guess what exactly happened but we can make some educated guesses. Namrata was not seen for over a month after Saruk's death. She used to go celebrate birthdays with the family but after his death she did not even go to show her condolences to the family. She probably feels guilty but was trying to hide but after Saruk's father died, she could not hold it much and came out with a condolence message in which she tries to do damage control saying she would not do those buty things in this day and age, but the director of the movie already accepted that had actually happened. The police is not willing to do any more investigation. There is rumors of money paid. They easily took the so called suicide note on Saruk's phone as final evidence. This is worse than movies. Even in movies detectives would never believe such a suicide note that said not to look further into the death. Nepal police is corrupt and they are not doing their job.

This picture shows how close Namrata was with Saruk's family but she looked the other way after his death. Why would she do that unless something was up?

Last edited: 29-Aug-23 12:08 PM

Posted on 09-01-23 8:25 PM     [Snapshot: 468]     Reply [Subscribe]
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In analyzing the whole series of event, is it possible that it was not a suicide.
It is possible that he was murdered and made to look like suicide. Some things do not add up. He was normal all day and he even had told his parents that he would join them for a party in the evening.
It is suspicious that the police only got hold of the so called suicide note only after a week. That too it was suspicious because the message said not to look further into his suicide and only he is to blame. That was just too perfect a message to attempt to stop further investigation into this death.
Nims Purja is a very powerful man with history of violence. Also the fact that Namrata stayed hidden for almost a month also points to foul play. Why would someone's girlfriend not even visit the boy's family after his untimely death?
Now she has come up with more lies about the masan ghat and booti incident when the directory of the movie has already given his account that it actually happened.
I am surprised why people would not want to investigate further. Even in movies, detectives would investigate this kind of situation because it's very possible that there was foul play.
Of course this is my opinion and I could be wrong but at the least there should be a thorough investigation and Namrata Shrestha needs to be questioned.

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