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Posted on 09-07-21 9:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Guys anyone here who can provide me insight about how desi consultancies work. Can someone without an it background get into IT through these consultancies? Is it really as bad as some people say? What have your experiences been?
Posted on 09-07-21 11:41 PM     [Snapshot: 64]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Boro le yo question username change gardai sodhna thaleko 5 barsa jati bhayo hola.Timra sathi haru senior consultant Bhai sake yeti bela samma.Tara ajkal manual qa/documentation ko job teti paidaina consultancy bata.Tei bhayera It ma job garna consultancy haina Hardwork ra Dimag chahincha pasa .yeti bhayo bhane job khojnu pardaina linkdn ma job ko line lagcha…
Posted on 09-08-21 2:21 PM     [Snapshot: 168]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Actually I'm a different person and not the person u think I am. Anyways thank u for atleast replying. All I am looking for is some guidance and hear experiences from people who've already walked the path. So if there's anyone out there I would appreciate it if you guys could share some knowledge. Your few minutes could help many people like me. Think of it as a social service or giving back to the community:)
Posted on 09-08-21 3:41 PM     [Snapshot: 210]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ok.message me your phone number
Posted on 09-08-21 3:44 PM     [Snapshot: 211]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You must have strong mathematics background, written & verbal communication skills , work hard for few months, choose one high demand technology, then you will get plenty of offers. Otherwise do not jump in to ocean brother.
Posted on 09-08-21 3:50 PM     [Snapshot: 232]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@noob212, I can also give you some opinions if you want but let me know what kind of work are you looking for? and also your location will play into the work you are looking for.
Posted on 09-08-21 4:19 PM     [Snapshot: 257]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@ng759939 the thing is I have no background in IT. As far as I've heard even if u don't have any background or a degree you can get into the field with the right mindset and willingness to learn and work hard. I've talked to a few consultancies that are willing to train in devops. My programming skills are kinda basic. Went to college but never completed my degree. So if I decide to go through a consultancy kasto hola bhanera bujnu khojirachu. Coz I'm very sick of my dead end job.

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