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 Is religious tolerance and freedom of speech mutually exclusive?

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Posted on 01-08-15 2:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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We grow up hearing about religious tolerance, how we should respect people's beliefs. Then, in parallel we grow up hearing about the freedom of speech.

Making fun of someone's religion is not religious tolerance.
Being able to make fun of someone's religion is freedom of speech.

Who will decide what is right?
Posted on 01-10-15 3:34 PM     [Snapshot: 814]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Sajha has become a platform of religious freak from Nepal. So talking about 'tolerance' here is an oxymorone thing. Just scroll down and you will find the never ending thread from NAS and his followers literally bashing Chistianity. These Vedic saints post things that are the most absured.
Posted on 01-10-15 3:51 PM     [Snapshot: 824]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ujl, is teaching Upanishad to all Nepalese regardless of their faith is not called imposing? You mentioned all other subjects but didn't mention about "including" other religions. Religious fanatics and leaders and issues shouldn't be given too much importance in a reasonable society. I don't think anyone (including me) should have any problem of your interest and beliefs about hinduism, but when you say that everyone should be taught ONLY hinduism and write like what you just did, it sounds to me that you are tirelessly trying to prove that hinduism is "superior" to other religions.
Posted on 01-10-15 4:05 PM     [Snapshot: 831]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@metta....When did I said everyone should be taught only Hinduism? I do not follow present Hinduism. I follow Vedic Sanatan Dharma. Again, I am not imposing anything to anyone. Let there be knowledge of all kinds. Let there be arts of all kind. Let there be religions of all kind. If you like samosa, go and eat samosa. If I like laddu, I will eat laddu. I cannot impose laddu on you nor you can impose samosa on me. However, we both are eating the same stuff: atoms! The path is different, the goal of all religion is same. There is no inferior or superior ideas here.

Please DO NOT connect me with present Hinduism. I follow Vedic Sanatan Dharma.
Posted on 01-10-15 4:31 PM     [Snapshot: 853]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Ujl, do you or do you not want/did you or didn't you say that "Upanishad" should be taught to all nepalese? It can be taught, but the students should have the option to not study this subject.

Name doesn't matter. To honor your request, I won't connect you with hinduism, and let's say "Vedic Sanatan Dhamra".. But I don't think everyone should be forced to learn "Upanishad" or any of "Vedic Sanatan Dharma".

What is your religious definition of "atom"?
When did this "Vedic period" occur? Are you saying that there were no conflicts among the religions (buddhism, hinduism, Islam) in the past?

One more question and I hope you will answer. Will religions of all kind be protected when the nation is "secular" or when it is explicitly of "Vedic Sanatan Dharma"?
Posted on 01-10-15 4:46 PM     [Snapshot: 866]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@ metta....You are asking meaningless question. "What do you mean by religious definition of atom?" What kind of question is this?

Posted on 01-10-15 5:10 PM     [Snapshot: 891]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ujl, please say that you don't want to answer if you do so. Ok, that question is meaningless. Can you please answer my other questions?
Posted on 01-11-15 1:59 AM     [Snapshot: 981]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I lived in France for 5 years doing my post-doc research. I saw first hand the problems French society is facing with assimilation of muslim immigrants.
You talk about “give-and-take”. My opinion is, when you live your sh*t-hole country to come live in a richer western country, you take what it has to offer. You are already welcomed and all you have to do now is abide by its rules. Or else you stay where you are. You can’t come to the US and make your own rules.
France gives a lot to its people, including foreigners. It gives you free health care (even to foreigners); it gives you free education until university, it gives you cheaper social housing according to your financial situation; it gives you monthly minimum living wage even if you do not have a job etc etc. In fact a lot of work training programs are reserved to immigrants to help them get into work market.
But when a muslim immigrant goes to a hospital in France and demands that his sick wife gets checked only by a female doctor and not by a male doctor, it poses a problem. When some public school canteens start serving “halal” meat to all the students because it has a few muslim kids, it poses a problem. When some muslims make their wives and daughters wear niquab and roam around the streets in France, it poses a problem. When you see pavements outside of mosques filled with muslim praying on Fridays, it poses a problem. When you see French football players and French national anthem get booed by muslim french during a friendly match against Algeria in the stadium in Paris, it poses a problem. All these things pose problem to the republican ideas and principles French people have died for. And it shows a blatant disrespect towards the country and its people that have welcomed them.
Now, Algeria still has a lot of French living there. Tell me how many catholic churches are there? None. And how many mosques are there in France? Plenty.
France has a big Portuguese, Spanish, Polish, Indian and Chinese communities. But these communities never create any problem. It seems to be only the muslim communities (mainly Algerians) that seem to create problems. Surprised? Not me.
I personally believe, Islamic ideas and principles do not correspond with democratic values and that is the core of the problem.
Anyway with more than 50 international leaders participating in the walk today in France, I think the history is being made here. In future when we (including muslims themselves) will be able to make fun of any religion and idol including Mohammed without risking their lives, we will be able to thank those guys from Charlie Hebdo who died for it. So like I said in my previous post, we need people like the ones from Charlie Hebdo to push boundaries and test democracy.
So “Je suis Charlie”, does not mean, I agree 100% with the guys from Charlie Hebdo and their cartoons, it just means, “I am Charlie and I have the right to say what I want, about who I want without being killed for it.” No one should be governed by a religion.

Posted on 01-11-15 10:06 AM     [Snapshot: 1074]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I see something along your point of view..

It does create a problem, when a group of people want different set of laws. I think, and can be completely wrong, that one of the main reason that the muslims want sharia law is for being able to marry multiple wives. Do you know that in India a muslim guy, no other religion, can legally marry upto 4 wives? There was a high profile case when someone converted just to marry his mistress.

Btw, i have also heard that the government of nepal provides free trips, or heavily subsidies, the hajj pilgrimage for Nepalese muslims. I am talking chartrerd flights to saudi arabia here. Could someone verify this please?
Posted on 01-11-15 11:44 AM     [Snapshot: 1101]     Reply [Subscribe]
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To me this question reminds me whether the chicken came first or the eggs.

Posted on 01-11-15 12:14 PM     [Snapshot: 1094]     Reply [Subscribe]
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That is just a way of saying immigrants in France should accept their status as second class citizens. No one in the year 2015 - not Muslims in France, nor Mexicans in the US, nor Madesis in Nepal - and certainly not women or LGBT anywhere in the world - are going to put their heads down, kiss the ring of the ruling classes and submit themselves to those they perceive to robbing them of dignity just because they are expected to be grateful to have food, housing and healthcare provided for them. 

The vast majority of Muslim immigrants to France are from the former North African colonies where the French brutalized and oppressed locals for decades. French colonization was driven by the presumptive notion of a "civilizing mission" - one of the worst forms of colonialism - and some of that legacy lingers in today's social and political dynamics at play in French society. You could argue the French were far more brutal and degrading towards the Algerians than even the British were towards the Indians. That legacy will probably take a couple of more generations to erase and  till then you will continue to witness torn loyalties among French people of Algerian, Moroccan or Tunisian descent. The most marginalized are always the least loyal to the state. Yes, the French have died for a lot of noble things, no denying that, but there is also a lot they have killed for and both of those have to be looked at in balance and with perspective.

Also, not all Muslim women are forced to wear hijab by their husbands. That is a presumptive notion pushed by French and other Westerners alike that presents only a partial picture of reality in the Muslim world. Sure there are conservative families who impose strict dress codes but plenty of Muslim women  - educated  and empowered professors, doctors, lawyers -  wear it out of their own volition because it is part of their cultural wardrobe. They have as much a right to wear what they want as Charlie Hebdo has to publish what it wants. The responsibility of not to be offended cuts both ways.

As mentioned in previous posts, it is less important who is right and wrong. The more pertinent question is how to move forward. France must have a dialogue with itself as to whether it truly aspires to be a multicultural society and how much of immigrant culture it is willing to embrace and tolerate. It must decide whether or not it wants to carry with it the burden of additional rights and responsibilities that multiculturalism brings. Immigrants too must decide what aspects of their culture to hold on to and what to give up. If the future is to be different from the past, then both immigrants and natives have to change. Expecting only one side to  do so is not going to lead to a different outcome.

And the rest of us must have the courage to condemn Islamists and Islamaphobes with equal fervor.

Last edited: 11-Jan-15 12:41 PM

Posted on 01-11-15 12:52 PM     [Snapshot: 1135]     Reply [Subscribe]
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१.विस्वका धेरै धर्मका धेरै गुरु/ देउताहरुको कार्टून बने,जुत्ता चप्पलमा फोटो छापिए ,कति हाम्रै सौत एशिया का मन्दिर मुर्तिहरु तोडिए तर किन एउतै मात्र धर्मका मानिसहरुले तेस्को बदलामा मान्छे मार्दै हिडी रछन्?
२. के आफ्नो धर्म वा इस्वर को अपमान भयो भने मान्छे मर्ने कि तेस्को बिरोध गर्ने सव्य रुपमा ?
३. के तिम्रो हाम्रो धर्म संस्कार तेस्तो कम्जॊर छ कि सानो तिनो कार्टून ले डगमगिने ?कस्तो लाचार धर्म हो??
४. यदि तिमि लै त्यो कार्टून फिल्म मन परेन भने न हेर्दा हुन्छा ,सबै ले आफ्नो अबिव्यक्तिको स्वतन्त्रता पाउनु पर्छ कि पर्दैन?
५.के जैन हरु ले मासु खादा हाम्रो चित्त दुक्छा भने भने तिमि मासु छोड्न तयार छौ? के सिख हरु ले कपाल न कट मेरो धार्मिक मान्यता को खिलाफ छ भने भने हाम्ले मान्ने??
hindu le devi manne gai khayo bhanera kohi manche mardai hidya dekhya chau
mitra?or buddha ko murti massage bar ra strip club ma rakhe bhanera kasaile bomb padkako sunya chha?
भोलि जैन वा बुद्धिस्ट ले तिम्ले मासु खायोउ भनेर तिम्लाई मर्न पौने भो .सबै विचार लै प्रस्न गर्न पाउनु पर्छ ,धर्म पनि एउटा विचार हो र यसलाई न प्रस्न गर्न पाउनु पर्चा !
Posted on 01-11-15 1:23 PM     [Snapshot: 1140]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You guys are getting so excited about this Charlie Hebdo incident for no objective reasons.

It does not deal with "human rights" or "freedom of speech". I have met people in my life who are illiterate and cannot define those terms properly but they do have common sense.
The tragedy in Paris that unfolded this month is just an extension of the Israeli-Palestine conflict. Yes it also seems to underline the growing tension between native French people and immigrants with Islam roots.

This fight is really between the Zionists and the violent Muslim extremists. And I am pretty sure most of you here neither fall in either categories nor directly depend on a paycheck from either warring parties . The Zionists control the media plus celebrities and the extremists are employing guerrilla-war tactics. Sadly, I don't see the end of the recurring violent attacks anytime soon.

If you don't recognize the true diagnosis of the disease, no proper remedy can ever be formulated. I just wish there would be lasting peace on earth. 

Shiva-linga, I have read your comments on other threads as well. If you want, I will be responding appropriately some other time.

Posted on 01-11-15 3:02 PM     [Snapshot: 1165]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Have you lived in a Muslim country?
Do you know that they do NOT allow immigrants to bring their own law into their country, why should France? By your logic, an American who cannot find pork meat in a muslim country is treated like a second class citizen. Isn't that the same?
The hijab is a such a flawed concept that will NOT work in Western society at all. How about a women in hijab on her driver license and passport picture? How do you identify that? Finger print, retina? or DNA analysis. If we comes across another culture who says it is against their religion to take photos or their name be written on paper. Where is the end? Some African culture might want to put on an animal mask on their passport picture like they do in their "culture". My culture requires a full Ninja dress with a sword, how about that for a joke? Seriously.

See, the French made their laws for their people, not for the whole world. If you are in France, it makes sense to follow their law. A french women is supposed to wrap her head when visiting a muslim country, why can't they do the same when they come to France? If that is a discrimination for the French to say "No" to hijab, then you can make the same argument for them requiring women to wear one. You think our Nepali women working in the middle east can raise the voice to NOT wear the scarf, to be allowed to eat pork, to be allowed to enter a mosque? Are they obeying and respecting their host nation's law or a second class citizen?

See, something works fine in some place but not everywhere. We sacrifice animals in Nepal, so if I'm not allowed by American law, should I make it a "second class" discrimination lawsuit in America?
The problem is some culture is wiser and more tolerant and progressive than others. About 4 hundred years ago, Mexicans use to sacrifice human beings. If everybody want their history should remain in tact, then the world will be a difficult place to live - which is what Muslims are doing in the world right now.
Being educated by watching few documentaries, reading few history books and hanging out with few liberal friends, does not always mean getting a balanced view. You should seriously reconsider your view and your logic about "second class" citizen. 

Last edited: 11-Jan-15 03:20 PM

Posted on 01-11-15 3:15 PM     [Snapshot: 1168]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Very well said Vhotee. Apparently the western countries will always have to make concessions to their former colonies, even if that means letting go of their liberal principles.
Vivant, many french died during french revolution to give democracy to the world. France is a country of Voltaire, Baudelaire et Rimbaud, Monet, Henry Miller, Yves Klein, Sartre, Michel Houellebecq etc. And they will not bend over backward just to let few people who still live in middle ages dictate in their own country.

And now I would like to conclude and rest my case by a very fitting quote:
"I don't agree with what you say but I will die fighting for your right to say it." --Voltaire
Last edited: 11-Jan-15 03:15 PM

Posted on 01-11-15 3:51 PM     [Snapshot: 1172]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@metta..... Vedic Period is a controversial matter. But, tentatively scholars believe that:

Rig Vedic Age : 7000 - 4000 BC
End of Rig Vedic Age : 3750 BC
End of Ramayana-Mahabharata period: 3000 BC
Development of Saraswati-Indus Civilization: 3000 - 2200 BC
Decline of Saraswati-Indus CIvilization: 2200 - 1900 BC
Period of Chaos and Migration: 2000 - 1500 BC
Period of evolution of syncretic Hindu Culture: 1400 - 250 BC
(Source: Penn State University; Scholar: Professor Dinesh Agrawal)

I do not believe that there were no conflicts in the past. As you can see above, there is a period of Chaos and Migration around 2000 - 1500 BC. Who knows what happened?

Will all religions be protected if a nation is secular or explicitly Vedic Sanatan Dharma?
--> Consciousness is the key here. This all depends on what the laws are and how fair are the laws. Fairness of laws depends on total knowledge. Are officer enforcing those laws? Do government understand what existence is, why people are here in this planet? So, knowledge is the key. And there are two kinds of knowledge. One is called the Apara Vidya, and the other is called Para Vidya. Apara Vidya deals with objective world and Para Vidya deals with transcendental knowledge which cannot be grasp by senses. Can government integrate these two knowledge? If yes, then that society will have peace, harmony, and prosperity.

Posted on 01-11-15 5:06 PM     [Snapshot: 1236]     Reply [Subscribe]
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That is a lot of emotion in your comments, some of which doesn't warrant a response, but I will say this:

Just because Muslim countries discriminate against their migrants, as deplorable as that is, that is no excuse for France to do the same. By comparing the size of the pile of trash in your backyard to someone else's, all you are proving is the existence of your own trash and reinforcing the need to clean it.

On the other hand, if France truly thinks it is a more enlightened society, the society of Voltaire, it should set an example for how a modern progressive Western society deals with the complexities of immigration and changing social structures. Marginalization is not the answer. And telling people they were treated worse where they came from is no reason to treat them badly again. You have to rise above that.

French Muslims born in the country are as French as anyone else by birth right. Many of the laws of France were written for a different society with few or no immigrants and do not take into account the aspirations of the multicultural society France has become today. People can chose to live in denial about the demographic and cultural realities for only so long. Since mass deportation is not feasible, France is going to have to accept its Muslims and some of the cultural baggage that comes with them. Trying to break their spirits and coerce them into submission hasn't worked so far and is unlikely to work again in the future.
Posted on 01-11-15 5:28 PM     [Snapshot: 1243]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ujl, thanks for answering.

Were there any religions such as Islam, Jain, and Buddhism during those periods? So you're saying that perhaps in the so-called vedic period, which may or may not have ever existed, there is a possibility that there was no religious harmony either. 

Will all religions be protected if a nation is secular or explicitly Vedic Sanatan Dharma? 
please don't use your twisted logic to talk about your own utopia because that will never occur. You're smart enough to know that whatever you're saying is never going to occur in Nepal. So, can you please give your answer in the present context and present Nepal? Are you supporting hindu state in Nepal? Sorry, Vedic Sanatan Dhama state in Nepal?

Posted on 01-11-15 5:54 PM     [Snapshot: 1251]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@metta.... Can you explain what is this term "Religion" is? Can you explain what is this term "Hindu" is? Can you explain what is this term "Secular" means? Can you explain what is this term "Hindu State" means? And finally, can you tell me where do all these exist?
Posted on 01-11-15 6:03 PM     [Snapshot: 1263]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I asked you a very simple question, and you don't want to answer. I don't know what religion is except some fools are willing to die for it and also some like you come forward showing that my religion is great like this and that and everyone should learn about my religion. Hindu State in my understanding means that the proponents want to call Nepal हिन्दु राष्ट्र नेपाल and give special status to only one religion. I can't talk in your twisted logic about their existence.

Posted on 01-11-15 6:09 PM     [Snapshot: 1261]     Reply [Subscribe]
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You don't want to respond cause you have no answer. See, I have friends like you who wants a utopian society but lacke the word 'reality' in their vocabulary. Yes, everybody wish the world should be perfect, but it has never been and never will be.
BTW, comparing LGBT issue in a European context is bit ridiculous. Europeans are far ahead of the Americans accepting gay marriage. Now take gay marriage from a Muslim perspective, I'm all ears if you think Muslims treat better to gays than Americans.
And talking about pile of shit, I am fine with my shit in my backyard but I do not prefer they toss their shit in my property. Is that not a rational human logic? Your logic is my backyard is clean but I have to tolerate people's shit cause I'm more evolved. For how long?

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